With the help of the Yellow Pages AU and Yellow Pages NZ scrapers, you can now collect this data at the touch of a button. The results are saved in an easy-to-use CSV file for your use.
Based on our successful scraping software Yellow Pages Scraper allows you to understand the exact targeting so you can collect only the information you need.
In just a few minutes you can control your own data scraping, adding valuable Yellow Pages data to your database. Read on below to learn how Yellow pages Leads Scraper can scrape instantly.
Why should you use Leads Extractor from the Yellow Pages?
With Yellow Pages Extractor, you may increase the size of your marketing reach, allowing your company to grow to new heights. Whether you are a self-employed professional trying to find new business opportunities or you are a large corporation like a call center or marketing agency, Yellow Pages Extractor will add great value to your business and provide you with many new contacts from all over one few clicks.How does it work?
Yellow Pages Extractor selects useful information about businesses, such as name, address, phone number, fax, email address, and website address. If the email address is missing from the Yellow Pages, Scraper will search the company's website for the email address to ensure that all publicly available information is properly collected. The scraper interface is not only easy to use, but also allows you to export our data to an Excel or CSV file with the push of a button.What does it have in common with other scrapers?
The competition is blown out of the water by Yellow Pages Extractor. Our scraper retrieves 40% more contacts than any other scraper on the market. The user interface is straightforward, intuitive, and accurate. If for any reason your download is interrupted, you can restart it once your connection is restored. The search is customizable so you can search by city, business, or area.What is the most effective data scraping tool for extracting information from Yellow Pages?
There are many data scraping tools out there but choosing the best data scraping tools can be tricky as many tools require certain skills but if you are looking for a tool that is easy to use and will extract data in a few simple clicks and can scrape all pages from the Yellow Pages, then Yellowpages Leads Scraper - the best option for you.As it is a free download and installation, you can't get the data for free in the free version, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet in the premium version. With Yellowpages Leads Scraper you can extract the following business data from the Yellow Pages:
Company names
Links to Sites
Email address
The main advantages of Yellowpages Leads Scraper
- Extract contact information and start email and telemarketing for your business.
- Develop direct interactions with potential consumers to grow your business.
- Get a high return on investment by targeting prospects. All data should be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file.
- Make money by selling potential customers to telemarketers.
- Availability of a desktop application with Chrome browser
- Apply filters to data fields, locations, and keywords.
- Unsaved data is automatically recovered.
- X-path bases are supported.