How And Why Are Mobile Phone Numbers Better Than Emails To Grow Your Business?
Online retailers and brands have always requested an email address when registering or logging on to their website. Why not? It allows for a relationship with customers and payment for sales through email marketing. But with the increasing global use of smartphones, companies must focus on mobile, and customer phone numbers hold the future potential to better guide online shoppers and track their behavior. These days, phones are no longer dedicated to voice calls or text messages only. With smartphones, access to the Internet can be accessed anytime it opens up new ways for customers to interact with companies - they can search for products, call them, send text messages to them, or make purchases all on one device. Let's check out some interesting insights about using mobile devices and how they are useful for developing your business.Mobile Use Is Booming
According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, about 5.13 billion people use mobile phones all over the world. It becomes 67% of the world's population. For 2020, the number of mobile phone users is expected to increase to 7.26 billion worldwide.Mobile Searches for Purchasing
More than twice the number of consumers prefer to contact a company over the phone. 48% of buyers use mobile phones as their first point of contact to start a search. 69% of 18-39 certainly use mobile devices to search for products before purchasing.Marketing-Driven Results
53% of all mobile ads result in a phone call - the highest performing custom conversion for all possible actions. About 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide is generated through mobile phones only.Increase Business Leads
61% of companies rate their incoming phone calls as an excellent source for leads - a higher percentage than any other source for incoming orders. But the main problem is how you'll get relevant phone numbers for marketing campaigns to grow your business. I will tell you about a technique with which you can create a huge list of unique & related phone numbers for marketing.